About platform microfluidic
The platform "digital microfluidics" is a science-based information and communications platform addressing a number of topics concerning microfluidic applications based on (micro-) segmented flow.
The technology of micro-segmented flow, is a specialisation of the microfluidics allowing liquids to separate into very small potions. Additionally being able to transport and process them in these preset segments.
These so called "Digital Microfluidics" droplets containing molecules, cells or nano-particles can be manipulated as needed. Thus allowing for chemical and biological standard procedures using working volumes in the micro-, nano- or even in the piko-liter-range to be used in an automated environment. In parallel the use of chemical substances as well as the need for biological materials in scientific investigations is minimized. Additionally the readout of information employing biological system like cells as well as chemical synthesis can be monitored very efficiently.
Combined in a regional Thuringian research community with ties to other national and international study groups, scientists working in Jena, Heiligenstadt and Ilmenau are busy in furthering the development of the micro-segmented flow as well as the implementation for use in the fields of biotechnology, diagnostics and the production and characterization of new materials.
This platform is supported by the State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen). Supporting the process to create new innovative ideas and provide means to further generating products for todays needs.
The scientific knowledge from ongoing as well as finished projects is presented here. Take a look at the areas of interest. For detailed information on the topics please feel free to get in touch with the contacts named at the end of each topic description.
Bachelor courses in the fields of mechatronics, biomedical techniques, material sciences or technical physics are recommended for students with interest in digital microfluidics for the basic education at the Techn. Univ. Ilmenau.
For specific education on micro segmented flow and related techniques two Master courses are particularly suited:
- Micro and Nanotechnologies (Ilmenau University of Technology)
- Miniaturized Biotechnology (Ilmenau University of Technology, University of Applied Science Jena, iba Heiligenstadt)
Basic educational experiments for micro segmented flow are incorporated in the practical course on micro reaction technology.