Sustainable and Smart Mobility and Logistics

The mobility of the future will be resource-saving and climate-neutral, networked, multimodal and particularly user-friendly. Digitalisation is the driver for the development of innovative mobility carriers on the one hand and new types of mobility models on the other. Driving tasks are increasingly being taken over by machines and algorithms, so that the role of humans in the mobility system is changing.

The field of "sustainable and smart mobility and logistics" encompasses the area of mobility and transport concepts in the narrower sense, the logistics sector with its large number of employees, and the automotive and supplier segment, which, seen as an industry, consistently ranks among the TOP 3 industrial sectors with the highest turnover throughout Thuringia.

Clear references to future trends can be seen in the specialisation profile: Approaches to resource conservation (e.g. less weight, alternative drives) can be found here, as well as topics of networking (e.g. sector coupling, interaction between vehicles), aspects of multimodality (e.g. platform-based mobility services, new mobility carriers) or user-friendliness (e.g. platform-based logistics services, new functions).

The economy in the field of specialisation in figures

6.2 Turnover in billion euros
2800 Companies
51000 Employees subject to social security contributions

Data source: own calculation based on TLS data, as of 2020 (figures rounded)

Derived from the specialisation profile, four topics prove to have potential for this field:

  • Low-emission mobility for the mobility turnaround
  • Smart logistics for advanced delivery solutions
  • Interior of the future for the future-oriented vehicle interior
  • Cognitive cars for the mobility of the future

Vision and goals

Thuringia's innovative strength in the automotive industry, mobility and logistics is reflected in the following aspects:

  • Thuringia networks the focal points and regions for vehicle technology, transport technology and mobility solutions and thus increases its innovative capacity in technologies and services for new mobility and an intelligent transport system in Thuringia and Europe.
  • Thuringia develops and produces energy-efficient, low-emission and intelligent vehicle technology – based on new vehicle technologies
  • Thuringia is expanding its position as an internationally renowned location for automotive technology. Innovative products and high added value go hand in hand with growing internationalisation of the companies.
  • Thuringia is developing intelligent concepts for mobility between the city, surrounding areas and rural areas, and from this is drawing up a transport concept to increase traffic flow, improve mobility and reduce transport-related CO2 emissions in Thuringia.
  • Thuringia is increasing its importance as a European logistics location with innovations for high-performance combined transport, for cost-efficient logistics management and flexible logistics concepts in online trade.


The ThCM regularly designs, commissions and publishes analyses to examine trends and developments in Thuringia, identify potential for the Free State, derive recommendations for action and bring them to implementation.

Cluster and network organisations

  • Networks


    automotive thüringen e.V.

    Founded in 2000 by nine Thuringian companies as the automotive supplier Thuringia e.V. (AZT), well over 100 Thuringian automotive supply companies have been organised as network partners in today's automotive thüringen e.V. (at) for years. In addition, some universities, universities of applied sciences, research facilities, banks, leasing companies and other service providers are members.

    As a partner and network, automotive thüringen e.V. creates a platform for exchange and thus promotes new developments and successful innovations in Thuringia. It supports its member companies in the areas of technological development, company research and development capacities, technology transfer by using local capacities at technical colleges and universities, further training, a customer-oriented quality offensive, risk analyses of new investments and analysis of market developments (benchmarking both to OEMs, suppliers and necessary infrastructure) through analyses of relevant trends, programmes for further training & employee qualification, the design of economic policy framework conditions and through targeted public relations work.


    Logistics Network Thuringia e.V.

    Logistics Network Thuringia e.V. is a cooperative community of specialists from all areas of logistics. In addition to freight forwarders, shippers and contract logistics providers, the network brings together companies from the fields of consultancy, combined freight transport, training and further education, IT, research and development, personnel services and logistics-related services, associations and public administration. The network sees itself as a competence cluster along the entire supply chain and represents a holistic approach.
    The aim of the association is to strengthen Thuringia as a European distribution hub. To achieve this goal, the members develop viable, sustainable and demand-oriented solutions and structures for the logistics industry. All Thuringian industrial, production and trading companies also benefit from these solutions and structures, because high-performance (production) logistics creates the basis for higher value creation and productivity.
    Logistics Network Thuringia e.V. is closely networked with other industry clusters and networks in Thuringia in order to identify commonalities and achieve synergy effects. In addition, there is close contact with other German logistics networks for mutual exchange and cooperation in supra-regional projects.


  • » BMWi stimulus package (35C): Opportunities for the expanded Thuringian automotive and supplier industry

    The automotive and supplier industry is currently experiencing enormous upheavals, has to cope with far-reaching structural change and, at the same time, is struggling under the impact of Covid-19. Neighbouring industries are no better off. In addition to the cuts caused by the current pandemic, there is at the same time high pressure to modernise and further develop due to technological change.

    To support the German economy, the Federal Government therefore launched an unprecedented economic stimulus programme in the summer of 2020. For the automotive and supplier industry and its related sectors alone, a 2-billion-euro funding package has been agreed under item 35c of this federal programme for the next 4 years.

    The advantages for you as a Thuringian entrepreneur are obvious:

    • You can have investments in innovative processes, technologies and plants subsidised on a pro-rata basis.
    • You can have product-related research and innovation projects funded on a pro-rata basis.
    • You can benefit from the formation of new innovation clusters if this creates new ecosystems for the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as through the joint use of real laboratories, for example.
    • This funding programme, therefore, includes both funding for R&D consortia and investment grants for the modernisation of your production (Industry 4.0, digitalisation, etc.).

    In our event on 19 February 2021, we summarised the most important information on the 35c programme for you and presented selected suitable Thuringian project approaches. On this page, you will find all the presentations and information to read. In the event, we pointed out a concise questionnaire to help us collect your topics for which you are looking for partners or organisational support. This serves the purpose of bringing together suitable actors in the follow-up to the event and promoting the formation of Thuringian consortia. 

    To the survey


Your contact person


Peer Fidelak

Peer Fidelak Field of specialisation – Sustainable and intelligent mobility and logistics

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